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Don’t miss this incredible event:
10 International presenters from all over the world
will share with you the new researches on the role of Fascia in woman health
In the last decade there has been a growing interest in understanding the fascia by who practice or teach motor activities.
The practical application of the information coming from the scientific community is helping to change in some paradigms in physical training, in particular of some disciplines such as Yoga and Pilates which are widely practiced by a female population.
But, in addition to the growing number of end users and female instructors, there is a considerable increase in the number of female scientists, who are providing a fundamental contribution to the research.
On the occasion of March 8, the Fascia turns Pink for the first PINK FASCIA Conference, for the women from all over the world!!!
What those presenter are ready to share with you?
CARLA STECCO – Anatomy of the thoracic fasciae and mammary gland: From physiology to pathology
CATERINA FEDE – Effects of sex hormones and aging on muscular fasciae
MELANIA MORIN – Muscles and fasciae of the pelvic floor: What are their involvements in urinary incontinence in women?
GUAN LING – Acupunture application for Fascia and women health
ANNA MARIA VITALI – Distortion and dysfunctions of the myofascial core, after abdominal wall surgery: cesarean section and hysterectomy
DANIELA MEINL – Adaption of Fascial Training for women, according to the Hormonal Cycle
ALISON SLATER – The Pregnant and Post-Partum Pelvis
BEATRIX BAUMGARTNER – KAATSU Training : Accelerated Recovery after Pregnancy
JO PHEE – AcuYin for Women’s Health & Honing Our Interoceptive Awareness
KARIN GURTNER – Feeling of Inner Togetherness – Dynamic Stability in the Sacroiliac Joints

Carla Stecco (Italy)
Prof. Carla Stecco (Padua, Italy) will present an overview of the fascial anatomy and the role of fasciae in pain. She is a top expert on the subject of Fasciae. Founder Member of the Fascial Manipulation Association and of the Fascial Research Society. Member of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology and of the European Association of Anatomy. Author of more than 150 in extenso papers about the fascial anatomy, and of the first Atlas about fasciae (“Functional atlas of human fasciae”, 2015, Elsevier ed.). Author of two books about Fascial Manipulation (Piccin ed), translated in 11 languages.

Caterina Fede (Italy)
Caterina is graduated in Biotechnology in 2005 and in Health Biology in 2007 and received her Ph.D. in Environmental Medicine in 2011 (University of Padova). Since 2008 she has been active in university research and teaching, in the field of Cell Biology and Histology. Since 2017 she collaborates with the “Fascial Manipulation Association”, as a member of the research team of Prof. Carla Stecco, and actually she has a post-doc research grant at the Institute of Human Anatomy of the University of Padova, Department of Neurosciences.
Winner of the 2019 University Cooperation call, and of the “Fascia Research – Young Scientist Award”, conferred in August 2020 by the Fascia Research Charity.
She is author of numerous researches on cellular and molecular aspects of fascia, in particular the regulation of the extracellular matrix of the fascia according to hormonal levels or chemical stimuli such as endocannabinoids, the quantification of hyaluronan in fascia and the study of its physic-chemical properties, and the characterization of fasciacytes.

Melania Morin (Canada)
Dr Melanie Morin is a physiotherapist specialized in pelvic floor dysfunction and currently a Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. She is also a researcher at the Research Centre of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke and Founder and Director of its Urogynecology Research Laboratory. She conducted several studies focusing on the role of the pelvic floor muscles in the pathophysiology of pelvic floor disorders such as urinary incontinence and pelvic pain using different methodologies (dynamometry, transperineal ultrasound, shearwave elastography, electromyography). Her research is dedicated to investigating the role of pelvic fasciae in the etiology and treatment of various pelvic floor disorders.

Guan Ling (China)
Ling Guan, M.D of traditional Chinese medicine , PhD. She is engaged in the clinical and research work of acupuncture & moxibustion on sports injury, musculoskeletal pain and tumor. She has explored the special techniques of traditional acupuncture, and integrated them with modern medicine, proposed “Structura-Based Acupuncture” which make a big difference in the field of sports medicine and pain rehabilitation in China.
She has presided over more than 10 research projects, and won 8 science and technology awards

Daniela Meinl (Germany)
Daniela Meinl has founded Integral Fascial Yoga and is a leading expert on the topic of the integration of fascia training into Yoga, Pilates and Fitness and has led teacher trainings worldwide for many years. She has been a co-director of the Germany-based Fascial Fitness Association that played a fundamental role in the development and education of Fascia Training. Her first book “The comprehensive Guide on Fascial Yoga” is currently being translated from German to English and will be available soon.

Alison Slater (Australia)
Alison Slater is an experienced, internationally-trained Physiotherapist with a Post-Graduate qualification as a Master of Manual Therapy. Based in Private Practice in Sydney, she has taught extensively throughout the United Kingdom and Australia. A proud inception member of the Fascia Research Society, Alison travels widely (as able) to continually augment her skills and knowledge of all things fascia

Beatrix Baumgartner (Austria)
As a sports physiotherapist and osteopath, I have been intensively involved in sports all my life myself. I have been snowboarding, mountainbiking, roadcycling, competing in wakeboarding and triathlon for the last 10 years- I have competed in Ironman 2 times. I have incorporated fascia training into my workout routine since 2012.

Jo Phee (Singapore)
Jo Phee is an International Senior Trainer for Yin Yoga, a style of yoga that focuses on passive fascial stretching and stimulation of acupuncture meridians with targeted yoga postures. Known as a Teacher’s Teacher, Jo is also the creator of AcuYin, MyoYin and Meridian Nidra. Jo has attended several Fascia Research Summer Schools in Germany and is a Team member of the Fascial Net Plastination Project. A Founding Member of the Fascia Research Society, Jo was the Chair of the Biotensegrity Practical Symposium Canada in 2019. She is also the co-organiser of the Australasian Fascia Summit in 2023.
With a background in Chinese Medicine and an extensive 800 hours of cadaver lab experience, Jo is well-known for incorporating Acupressure, Myofasical Release and Fascial Physiology in her teachings. With two decades long of yoga teaching experience, Jo has taught all over the world and trained thousands of yoga teachers.

Karin Gurtner (Switzerland)
Founder and educational director of art of motion Academy, Karin Gurtner, is the developer of Slings Myofascial Training, an integrative movement concept which includes Anatomy Trains in Motion. She has created a Contemporary Pilates curriculum and produced several comprehensive online learning courses along with an extensive series of practice videos. Her publications include the Anatomy Trains in Motion study guide, co-authored by Thomas W. Myers, as well as the Slings Essentials: Manual for Embodied Learning.
Karin believes that knowledge should be shared generously to foster independent thinking – and that complex information needs to be delivered within a clearly defined and practical context to be embodied and ‘embrained’ alike

Keith Baar (USA)
Professor at UC Davis and renowned tendon training researcher and expert. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois where he discovered the molecular signal that causes load-induced muscle hypertrophy. Keith is currently the head of the Functional Molecular Biology Laboratory (FMBLab) at the University of California Davis.

Karin Gurtner (Switzerland)
Founder and director of the Art of Motion Academy; developer of the Slings Myofascial Training concept, Anatomy Trains in Motion education and the contemporary Pilates curriculum.
Fascia is a connective tissue that forms a vast network that integrates the whole body: muscle, nerve, bone and epithelial tissues. Of great elasticity and resistance, its main functions are: to reduce friction, increase strength and generate information.
Over the past 20 years, fascia studies have shown that this connection network is essential. This tissue perceives and transmits forces, as well as coordinating the functions of the entire body.
During the event, the role of the Fascia in woman health.
Having a 360 ° view of the human fascia, with internationally renowned speakers who will analyze topics such as: development of strength, speed and mobility, postural organization and locomotion, as well as issues related to motor performance, such as nutrition and hormones.
The event is recommended for all movement and sports professionals and students. Including physiotherapists, doctors, osteopaths, physiatrists, yoga and pilates instructors, personal trainers, physical educators, athletes and all specialists in related activities.
10 hours that you can see whenever you want
Download the Event PDF
6th March 2021
start at 9.00 CET (ROME)
After the live streaming you can watch it wherever you want
10 hours
of streaming event
120 euro / early bird ticket 80 euro
After the great success of Fascia for Research and Fascia in Movement and Sport, we now present a new online event: Pink Fascia, an event born from the union of 10 woman from different countries and continents, experts in Fascia, movement and health.
Fisicamente Formazione (Itália)
For more than 10 years our training and refresher courses represent excellence for Exercise Science students, Physiotherapists, Yoga Teachers and Personal Trainers, Dancers and Professional Sportsmen, worldwide. Was founded, in Italy, by Anna Maria Vitali and we have been organizing different events with International Presenters like: Fascia Retreat, Fascia for Research and Fascia Research Online Summit 2020
Pink Fascia
How can I participate in the event?
The event will be live streaming. All event access information will be provided 24 hours before the event starts. To participate in the event you need a PC / Tablet / Smartphone, a good internet connection. No registration is required on any Zoom or Skype platform.
When will it be possible to attend the event?
Whenever you want! The event can watched at any time after the start of the streaming. All the material will be available for all the subscribers.
The live streaming on a dedicated channel will begin on Saturday 6 March 2021 at 9PM CET (Italian Time). Access to the live streaming can be done anytime the event has started. The user has the option to continue following the live broadcast or to start watching the event from the beginning. The event will remain available for all the users
Is there a requirement to attend the event?
No. The only requirement to participate is to be interested in the subject and willing to learn from the greatest experts in the world!
In what language will the event be held?
English and Italian