Beatrix Baumgartner MSPht (Master Sportsphysiotherapy, University of Vienna)
Physiotherapist, Osteopath
FDM Instructor (EFDMA- European FDM Association)
Member of ‚Artzt‘ expert team (Vitality Flossing/ Fazer)
Fascial Fitness Mastertrainer
Founder of Fascia-Center-Vienna and www.fdm-typaldos-international.com
Book author: Faszientraining Outdoor (Trias company, 2018)
Specialist: FDM – Fascial Distortion Model
Fascial Fitness
Fazer- Fascia treatment tool
Fascial Manipulation (Stecco)
Lecturer at national and international congresses
Teaching FDM, Fazer, Flossing and Fascial Fitness national and international
(Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Portugal, Italy, Canada,
Brasil, India, Taiwan, China)
working as physiotherapist in my own office in Vienna, Austria, Europe
Specialist in the field of fascia: therapy/ manual approach & training
FDM ( Fascial Distortion Model) – instructor of EFDMA ( European FDM Assocation)
Flossing – member of ‚Artzt‘ expert team
Fazer – member of ‚Artzt‘ expert team
Fascial Fitness by blackroll – master trainer ( blackroll